"I'm Here is a 2010 science fiction/romance short film written and directed by Spike Jonze. The film is a love story about two robots living in a Los Angeles where humans and robots coexist.
The plot is based on The Giving Tree, and the main character is named after Shel Silverstein although the film was funded by and is a promotion for Absolut Vodka, featuring the tagline 'A Love Story In An Absolut World' on the poster. The film made its debut at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival."
Aivan kultasta kamaa, kalle ja varmaa tommy tabermannki suosittelisi. Haaveilen että osaisin joskus ottaa semmosia valokuvia kuin miltä jonzen elokuvat näyttää. Tosin se kuvaaja kai sen lookin tekee mutta silti.
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