"The Carter"
The Carter is a 2009 documentary film about Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., also known as Lil Wayne. The film was directed by Adam Bhala Lough. The Carter documents Lil Wayne in the period before and after the release of Tha Carter III. During the filming of The Carter, no interviews with Lil Wayne were conducted by the filmmakers who shot in a completely cinema verite style.
Although he initially agreed to the film, it was later subject to a lawsuit by Carter, who objected to the film's release after the second screening at the '09 Sundance Film Festival. Evidently Carter's attempts to block the film were a reaction to the film's depiction of Carter's heavy use of marijuana and cough syrup as recreational drugs. Despite Carter's attempts the film was released on November 17, 2009.
The independently distributed film topped iTunes movie charts in its first week of release and Huffington Post called it "one of the top five greatest hip-hop documentaries of all time."
Menee myös heittämällä yheksi surullisimmista dokumenteista mitä oon nähny. Lil wayne luonu ittellensä aivan oman turvamaailman vetämällä aivan jatkuvasti kamaa. Läpi lehvan huomaa että jätkällä on isommat suojamuurit kuin frodon haltijaluotiliivissä. Jos Lil Wayne elää yli 30 vuotiaaks niin todella olen yllättynyt ja lupaan kasvattaa rastat.
Muuta kliffaa:
Äsken onnistuin jumauttamaan selkäni jälleen. Tämänhetken lempiruuat: Särkylääke, makaaminen, Mehu, Nukkuminen ja ei kävely.
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